Transition Exmouth's Mission:“To strengthen the community’s response to Climate Change, Inequality and shrinking supplies of resources, including energy, water and land, by building long-term town resilience, preserving biodiversity and reducing carbon emissions.”Join Transition Exmouth HEREMembership is free for students and people on a low income.If you can afford £10 per year, or other contribution, this can be paidby bank transfer to “Transition Exmouth” 08-92-99, 65332739, in cash at Green Drinks or by cheque (address below)Affiliated Membership is available for Groups and Businesses. All Members plant at least one tree every year. Contact Transition Exmouth; Email: transitionexmouth@gmail.comGreen Drinks: Join us on the first Thursday of every month at Green Drinks (Green Drinks website) Newsletter: Sign Up for our monthly NewsletterFacebook : or @TransitionEX8Post: Nicky Nicholls Transition Exmouth Chair The Manse Summer LaneExmouth EX8 5BDPhone: Carol Jay, Secretary 07816 047 676All Contributions to:A/c name:Transition Exmouth s/c: 08-92-99, a/c 65332739