web site: rob masding
Community Networking What positive things are happening in Exmouth now? Built environment What positive stuff is happening now in Exmouth Neighbourhood plan - Green corridors – conservation of historic buildings Emphasis on young start ups Vision for 2030 Exmouth should become a carbon free town Community Centre / Hub where people can learn about zero carbon living Eco hub, arts centre & community space – this was mentioned nearly 10 times New buildings should be built to a passive haus standard. All buildings to be insulated to a higher standard – renewable building materials Housing policy must favour residents – 2nd homes / holiday homes should attract a premium rate council tax – DOUBLE IT. More space allocated to start up businesses Robust planning laws that have environment at the centre Protect against over development – renovate and reuse empty houses and the same for industrial units NO empty houses Who should be involved All levels of local authority – Planners – Building control / regulation Real authority – central government ? Construction industry professional – EXPERTISE Robust planning inspectors Next steps Individuals Lobbying central and local government Ask candidates their views on building , vote for those most aligned with carbon zero A social network to raise the profile and raise wider understanding and interest and challenge assumptions - Write to your local MP – join groups with like minded people and support them As Groups Spread and amplify the actions and vision we have identified Create a sustainable plan for the Interpretation centre to apply for funding – talk to the council. Plus lottery funding. Target specialist individuals who can complement one another to create new possibilities As Local authorities Lobbying central government for funds Attract local inward investment More affordable housing – possibly utilising empty houses, that is available to all age groups An affordable housing group with the benefits of residents and not developers in mind All new builds to be powered by renewable energy Nature built into all new developments, bird bricks, bat boxes, ponds Add nature provision to existing developments – ponds, bat houses, bird boxes etc Green requirements for all planning decisions at every level Churches, halls and LA buildings to be made free for green gatherings More public land for recreation and leisure Eco hub, arts centre & community space – this was mentioned nearly 10 times All new builds to use heat pumps Solar panels installed on every suitable roof Water harvesting –routinely using grey water for toilet flushing