ENERGY (see other tables, eg. transport, buildings etc for inter-connected issues)
1. Happening now…
● 2 large solar farms on the outskirts
● LED lights on seafront
● Cycle path solar lights
● Smart meters being fitted / updated (2nd gen)
● Microgeneration (eg. personal / private PV, small wind turbines)
● Most side street lighting turned off at night
● Plans for electric car charging points (see transport table for more?)
● Energy from waste (Exeter Energy Recovery Facility and anaerobic kitchen waste near Greendale?)
● Schools Conference
● Was a community energy group within Transition Exmouth
● Community Energy project in Exeter
● Low energy retro-fit house on St Andrews Road (update / stats from EDDC would be good)
● ETC, EDDC & DCC Climate Emergency Working Groups
2. Vision for 2030... (from discussion and post-its )
● Community Hub for all things eco - including energy / power information
● Locally produced renewable energy and storage (wind, solar and tidal on River Exe) x 5
● Community energy group with several renewable projects (eg. dockside tidal power / marine turbine
generating power with excess energy stored in batteries for charging electric vehicles) x 3
● Overall much lower energy use per person (not just end use, whole life-cycle analysis) x3
● New financial incentives for all renewable energy (micro and commercial)
● Planning restrictions on low efficiency / high energy use buildings
● All new buildings to be net zero by 2030 (construction and usage / CO2 and other greenhouse gases)
● All lighting to be LED / low energy
● Cheap effective electric room heating (to replace gas boilers, etc)
● Full community engagement (on all the above!)
● Locally produced biodiesel from waste oil from chip shops, take-aways, etc but no growing crops for