© Noel Harrower 2018
The quest began when I was small
and Auntie Louie came for tea
and told of times when she was young
and just about as big as me.
She’d lived with Dad above a shop
where Grandpa sold his boots and shoes –
not plastic ones that flip and flop
but sturdy ones with hobs and nails.
Their street was gaslit after dark
and every weekend in the park
brass bands and children played.
Their granddad wore a silk top hat
and spoke a brogue they puzzled at,
and when he died, great aunts appeared
all bonneted and dressed in black.
And after funeral rites and cake
the children were invited back
to see their Scottish home.
My Aunt was 9, my Dad was 5.
They travelled north by midnight trains
across the Forth bridge they swept
to Culross, Fife, where time had slept.
An ancient place, with cobbled streets,
red pantiled roofs and market cross
and home built by great-grandpapa
with post office and village store.
Above - a room where sisters sewed
to fabricate and decorate
lace curtains, linen tableware -
a genteel cottage industry.
And while they stayed at home so long
their brother joined the spinning throng
and travelled south to Manchester.
A painting of great grandmamma
surveyed the work the sisters did.
Aunt Jennet held her in esteem.
She said she came of titled blood
and had eloped when she was young
to wed our humble grandpapa.
The story of this wild romance
had put Aunt Louie in such a trance
it started me upon a quest
to find the truth. I could not rest,
and down the years, I searched
through records lost in dusty tomes -
noting many names and dates,
and staring hard at old tombstones.
A little tree began to grow
computers added to the spree.
It blossomed and it ranged quite wide
as cousins swam in on a tide
from distant lands across the seas.
And still the living woodland grows
as branches sprout, and
no one knows where this dance leads
Sometimes I feel I’m lost inside
a family forest – tall and wide.