YESTERMORROW THEMESClimate Change and Sustainable Living•Does Cluster Housing point a way ahead? •Are there additional possibilities? •Are there weaknesses to this concept? •Community Transport and car sharing pools•Common Plots, covering former garden areas and Community Shop•Community Hall, facilities, workshops and monthly meetings.•Part time work and community duties•Energy share and monitoringWelcoming “the other” - Refugees from war or Climate Change.•Should there be a quota system awarded according to GDP?•Can there be international projects alongside them to help rebuild “failed countries”?•Is a voluntary international service scheme desirable? Other possibilities?•Do we need a Global Organisation for Sustainability to plan these things?Learning from the past•Can we learn from our mistakes and experiences?•Can nations learn from their own past experiences, recent and historic?Education.•Do we all have gifts, often hidden ones? Learning from each other – Learning by role-play and performance •Inter-generational dialogue, Inter-faith dialogue.•Arbitration and Reconciliation Panels.•The value of prayer and meditation Positive Visioning•Do we need a vision, if we are to move forward?OTHER IDEAS PLEASE! (email me)