© Noel Harrower 2018
Exmouth’s Extraordinary Women
(Before the Railway came.)
Scanning shelves of local histories
Dipping, nipping through the pages
I seek answers to the mysteries
Of strong-minded Exmouth women.
Tripping back two hundred years –
One mistress of a Duke of York
Created talk and great commotions
By selling government promotions.
Up above – upon the Beacon,
a haven from abandoned lives
and refuge for discarded wives,
Lady Byron, Lady Nelson
assemble cards and sip their wine.
While, down the bottom of that hill
Old Nancy Piriam is still
nursing memories of the Nile,
When, as a girl, she fought the French
surviving wars and wild sea wrecks.
‘Powder monkey’ they called her.
“Dogsbody’s really what I were!”
Now home again, this pilot’s wife,
Stone-deaf from cannon’s roar and strife
leads a safer, harboured life.
Above the town, at “A La Ronde”,
a circled home built on a rill
surveying sea and sky and mill,
the fossilled Parminters are housed –
two spinster ladies, tombed in shells
beach gathered from around the world.
Bathing machines surround the beach –
Dipper women standing by,
in kilted skirts and bathing caps,
with donkeys fastened in their shafts
and towels to help one dry.
Grass widows and keen mussel pickers,
Girls in doorways sewing lace,
All storied in the library here -
a tapestry of yesteryear.
“And we are born a little space that we
might learn to bear the beams of love. “ William Blake.
Each day the rich sun rises
each day the rich sun wanes,
and twice each day the tide rolls in
and twice it turns again.
“There is a rhythm to our lives
it waxes - then it ebbs,
a microcosm of the whole
an echo from the deep.”
And when I tread Jurassic paths
or hear the surge of seas
or peer at distant misting cliffs
I sense an awesome ease –
for we are creatures of an hour
yet time itself dissolves
as life rides on through centuries
and Earth itself revolves.
If I were up in outer space
There’d be no dawn or eve.
We see a mirage of the whole –
Our senses are deceived.
So light and dark are always here
upon the watching sands.
And who am I, who are the gulls
that ride the rising air?
the shoals of fish in ancient tides
the fossil crusted rocks?
“A microcosm of the whole
an echo from the deep,”
a voice that cries from distant space,
a dream that flows through sleep.