© Noel Harrower 2018
“High land of Orcombe” says the sign – it is the month of May.
Wild orchids flower here every year, as if to point our way.
This is a world of sky and sea, of booming breaking tides,
Of scudding clouds and eastern winds that gnaw.
The Geoneedle points the path, with stone from every age.
and as we walk we soar through time
uncovering the story.
We climb down steps of wood and iron -
discover Rodney Bay.
Triassic boulders on the beach
and deep ridged cliffs display
a tale of desert sands
before the seas rolled in
two five o million years ago
when dinosaurs were young.
Walk on through time to Sandy Bay
where caravans now rule
we’ll see erosion carved in rocks
where amonites once swam in tropic seas –
Jurassic times two million years ago
when dinosaurs were kings.
Climb the steeps beside Straight Point.
Watch when the red flag flies
for rifles then will crack the air
and violate the skies!
Drop down the hill by Littleham Cove –
which dreams of quieter times,
and mount again through woods and cheynes
to the beacon at West Down.
We’ll hear the tide suck Budleigh beach
where pebble beds are tossed.
They sing of times before the tides divided us from Gaul
and rivers carried them from France
and they were bedded in our cliffs.
Erosion made the fall.
Now Budleigh pebbles, smoothly shaped
are found beyond tides reach.
They’re washed and cleaned
and sunlight gleams upon the mounds.
At White Bridge cross the Otter stream,
a painter’s paradise -
to find a bird-hide lost in pines,
and watch the cormorant seek his prey
in shallow waters every day,
when tide is on the turn.
The River Otter seeks the sea,
by oxbow twists and pebble mounds.
See here, above this red-stone cliff
a wartime shelter sleeps – yet lives again
for time adapts, provides a home for wintering bats –
dark shelter through the storms.
The path leads up, round twists and turns
to skirt eroding cliffs.
Climb the hill to Brandy Point,
a lonely spot, where memories are stored,
a smugglers’ and a soldiers’ haunt –
a shattered building, lost and gaunt,
where guns were tested for their power
in England’s lone and darkest hour.
Drop gently down through open fields, where sows with piglets roam.
Before you now is Ladram Bay, where red stacks soar and sea gulls
ride the crest of waves that rise to crash upon the shore.
Here gannets fly, and kittiwakes and guillemots
find room to roost amongst the rocks.
But here we’ll leave the coastal path – to return another day
and walk towards Cretaceous times, just several million years away
when dinosaurs had died.
Then other creatures followed them
in ebb and flow of tides.
“And are these birds descended from
those reptiles long ago?”
A question we still ask ourselves
and never really know!
Beyond wild joys of Ladram Bay,
where fulmars cry and gannets fly,
lie wicket gates and woodland ways -
a path that draws us up
for High Peak rears its green clad head –
a dragon petrified.
And peace is found
in this high ground,
where Celtic people built their camp
in quiet and shade
and watched the waves for those who came
to pillage and to raid.
An ancient track-way leads us down
to wait at Mutters Moor,
where buzzards fly and stone-chats cry - on a summer afternoon
and after dark, the night-jar calls
And bats are on the wing.
This is the time of the donkey train,
with a cask on either haunch.
This is the time of the old-wife’s rhyme
of the man on the muffled horse.
And perhaps, in the dawn of a hazy morn,
there’ll be treats in the golden gorse.
A wildflower meadow slopes the mound.
Moths hover in the clover,
- and here’s the sweep of Sidmouth Bay-
stretching the blue horizon.
Temptation tells us “Sit and stay”
for there’s that restaurant in the sun -
white tables and a well earned view.
And as we rest, above the beach,
we count the hills we’ve climbed –
triassic rocks of red-rust hue.
Down Jacob’s ladder, we descend
To stroll Millennium Way –
Jurassic entrance to the town
Of genteel coffee-shops and clowns
For this is Sidmouth Folk Dance time
Of hobby horse and jingle rhyme –
Horn dancers on the promenade
And morris men in stableyard.
We cross the footbridge by the quay
to climb the steps of Salcombe cliff
The music floats above the town
Like flotsam in a rising tide.
We sit and view – late afternoon
with high tide waves below us,
and west - a gray scar-face marks landslip,
and further on, we see the white Beer stone
with penciled line of lands beyond
fading in lazy sun-drenched light.
“We’ll do that walk another day”
“A question though, before we go.
Why did old Norman Lockyer come
and choose this hill to site his own observatory
when Greenwich days were done?”
“If you come here in starlight
when the moon is riding high,
you’ll feel the pull that turns the tide
and know the reason why.”
Noel Harrower