© Noel Harrower 2018
Wash mindfully
at rise of dawn;
cold water in the bowl,
and feel the fabric as you dress
and taste the break of fast.
So watch that rising morning sun
And let it warm your face.
You will not come this way again
Or ever run this race.
Hear birdsong on that walk to work
and sense the morning’s grace
and name each tree and watch those clouds
in their processional race.
Now is the only time we have,
today the act is done
tomorrow is a hopeful wish
and yesterday has gone.
And at the closing of this day
Sleep gently in your bed.
You wrote your script
and played your role
So, every line’s was said.
Noel Harrower
Awakened 5.30 am.
Monday, 2 December 2013 with the title
in my head. Had to get up and write it down
before it faded. The poem followed.
Back to bed in the dark at 7 am, shivering.
Revised in morning light......
and again when I found it lost, two years later,
in the computer memory bank. N.H.