© Noel Harrower 2018
After the amputation, came the morphine:
I knew nothing and felt nothing, but later –
when I came to – there were hallucinations.
Shadows on my sheets became fearsome green lizards
and in the bedclothes lurked blood-sucking red snakes
waiting to pounce.
The visitors to the patient in the bed beside me
became enemies of the state.
I called out to them that I was on a mission
to save the world from greed and over-consumption,
and this disturbed the ward.
I was awarded a private room, but this became
a vehicle which travelled through the night,
and turned itself on its side.
Somehow, I was pinioned to the walls
and could only remain upright by clinging to ropes.
I visited war zones where people cried for help.
I could only offer them a prayer that morning would bring peace.
I know my leg was amputated a month ago,
that I have no right calf and foot –
and yet these parts throb with energy,
crushing, biting vitality and pain,
as if a crocodile were chewing them.
How can this be?
When I look I see a barren stump,
which does not pain me.
Below, an empty space reaches to the floor.
Yet there are times when the pain goes away
and I get a sense of absence.
These times are growing day by day,
and the teeth are reduced to pins and needles.
Perhaps a promise of tomorrow.