© Noel Harrower 2018
And we are gifted through our minds
to scan the universe,
through telescope and microscope
to study stars and spores –
to see connections in life forms
to note them, quote them, illustrate
through Darwin’s book and Marten’s brush
the story is retold.
Attenborough on the screen,
Bill Oddie in the field
the world of birds and fish are told –
the interlocking life of worms –
our place in it revealed.
We are one species on this earth.
What other has the gift
to see the context of each tree
each bush, each flower, each bee?
Yet, like the dinosaurs before,
we tear and we destroy –
we foul the soil in which we’re born.
defile land, sea and air.
Man’s been here over a million years
and lived sustainably
until two centuries years ago,
when engines were deployed.
Then we sought conquest for ourselves
not caring for our earth
and we forget to use the brain
that each child’s been loaned at birth.