web site: rob masding

3. Who needs to be involved?

We all do ! One of biggest ways to combat Climate change is to reduce meat and dairy products Schools (more meat and dairy free meals in school canteens , plus cookery lessons ) Doctors , health professionals Developers & Planning laws to require inclusion of communitey gardens and wild areas Global learning from existing best practice Cookery classes - teachers, older generation , no waste cookery Farmers Shops Suppliers Ambassadors - to help people to buy into change in eating habits Media & Social Media 4. Next Steps we can take tomorrow As individuals: Ask candidates at local and national elections about their views on food. Vote for those most likely to bring about the necessary changes. Eat more meat free and dairy free meals Cook with friends and family , explore new meat free and dairy free meals Investigate signing up for an organic veg box Learn more about vegan cookery and cooking with leftovers Only buy local or shipped food - avoid airfreighted goods Spread the message among your friends and social media Lobby authorites for change Waste no food - use up leftovers and surplus Break down barriers Buy a water bottle/reusable coffee cup, take it/them everywhere and refill Make friends within our community Volunteer to give talks in schools / local groups Use reusable wax wraps/ tupperware for food storage and pack ups Donate to food banks Join Transition Exmouth As groups: Cafe owners teach children & adults about food and nutrition Intergenerational food cooking and sharing Town meals Include meat free and dairy free meals, organic and vegan food in group Christmas dinner planning Promote best practice among group members Join Transition Exmouth as affiliated group As local authorities : NB : Where ideas are not currently under local authority power, the council / authority lobby the relevant department or level of governement : Explore new meat free, organic and dairy free meals in canteens etc Provide a community space and community kitchen where workshops and shared meals can take place Agricultural subsidies to be reformed to support community , organic and wildlife friendly practices. "Polluter pays" legislation so that chemical run off from food production becomes a thing of the past Use organic and fair trade products with limited and recyclable packaging in the teas and coffess supplied to staff and visitors Promote best practice among staff and residents Build community gardens and forager / wildlife routes into all planning requirements Build a website on Zero Carbon living which includes tips, information and links to relevant local businesses - then put a link to it , in the email footer of every email sent out. Join Transition Exmouth as affiliated group Support Re-routed cafe (eg in Tiverton) Support community groups Ban single use packaging of every type. Support training , build resilience Support community orchards Education to shift from mainly meat based to mainly plant based diet Legislate so that all food must list the chemicals used when growing , as well as when produced Carbon Tax instead of VAT to reflect true environmental cost of everything, including food.