FOOD : Notes from Our Exmouth Our Planet Workgroup
1. What positive stuff is happening NOW in Exmouth ?
Refill points (Mother Earth in the Strand , Heart & Soul in Exmouth Market)
Organic Veg boxes (Riverford in Totnes and Barton Lane Boxes near Exeter deliver here)
Veggie cafes in town - Sundowners , Infusions
Apple Pressing
Exmouth Vegan Market
Farm shop - local and bring your own bag(Magnolia Centre)
Exmouth Friends in Need (Reuse of anything and Food Bank)
Exmouth Community Larder (Food Bank)
M&S money back on reusing bags
Sainsbury Exeter now use non plastic bags for produce
Iceland - commitment to "going plastic free"
Ref "plastic game changers"
Community fridge coming
Budleigh / Topsham / Glenorchy markets
Zero waste shop (Topsham)
2. Vision for 2030
Best practice is normalised - : an organic carrot is just a "carrot" in 2030 . The alternative is a "chemically
grown carrot".
A community kitchen where workshops and shared meals can take place
A project where people can offer the (otherwise unpicked) fruit which grows in their garden for picking by
Incredible Edible Community allotment
No airfreighted food
More seasonal eating
More home growing
More indiginous food
More Training
More allotments
Community suppers
Local sharing / exchange of produce
Widely acknowledged link between food and wellbeing