3. Who needs to be involved?
Devon CC- highways, public transport, lobbying
Government – funding, legislation
Town Council – car sharing, community transport
Schools – education to inform about the issues and problems
- more parental education eg walk to school?
Companies – and attitude change
Who should take the lead??
4. Next steps
Model 1 – government in partnership with pressure groups
- local cultural revolution
Model 2 – more based on individual culture
- more education needed at all levels
walking bus to school
self educate- ensure up to date
all tell people what is happening
leave your car at home – use bike/walk/use train or bus
TrEx join Local Transport Partnership, ETP and Travelwatch SW – two way discussions
town newspaper
More integration of community groups
Local authorities
Fund all the visions NOT more road building
user friendly website
lobbying government and companies