Reducing waste
What positive stuff is happening now
No plastic bags in some shops
Plastic free Exmouth is in place
Kerbside recycling and (paid) green waste collection
Refill Devon – offering free drinking water to residents and visitors
Refills available from Mother Earth , the Strand and Heart & Soul, Exmouth Market
Reuse waste in art projects to inspire other people by example
Refuse new fashion, promote slow fashion and charity shops
Leading by example – sarah allen reducing her residual waste bin to 1 bin every 6 months, blogs
demonstrating its possible.
Stickers – keep Exmouth clean and green, sponsored by the chamber of commerce
Street community – eco bricks to make a wall
Vision for 2030
Exe Change hub where skill shares, library of things, reuse workshops could be held - possibly the
Thomas Tucker building or old post office
Everyone takes Refuse, Reduce, Reuse ,Repair, Recycle for granted
Recycled products etc shop
More refill shops in the strand
Farmers market
Complete withdrawal of wet wipes and any single use items
Cultural shift away from plastic cups, bags, bottles and takeaways
Recycling of textiles and repurposing to make new fashion
Reduce waste from all sectors
Families able to cook and use everything to prevent wastage
Library of things so that people borrow rarely used items
Cut out waste packaging
Who needs to be involved
Everybody needs to become champions and get the younger generation engaged
Artists community – need help with marketing
Manufacturers on board
Celebration of achievements – need to get local businesses on board
Local and central government
Flexible shop hours
Need engagement from social media and newspapers
Next steps
As individuals
Use the Refill shops in Exmouth : Mother Earth , the Strand and Heart & Soul, Exmouth Market
Buy fewer microwave meals
Recycle everything.
Return non-recyclable packaging to the shop or manufacturer, explaining why
Refuse, Reduce, Reuse ,Repair, Recycle
Tell people what we are doing