Ask youngsters what we can do to inspire them
Have discussions on social media
Ask Exeter university to help us develop a strategy
As Groups
Eco groups leaders at schools
TrEx – mapping, Eco audits – survey
Eco festival on the strand or central in town
As a local authority
Zero waste to landfill
Support Exe Change hub where skill shares, library of things, reuse workshops could be held possibly the
Thomas Tucker building or old post office
Ban single use items , and lobby for this at every level
Bin in the marina / sea to capture micro plastics
Install drinking fountains
Childrens conference run by Town council
Window leaflets
Recycling bins along the seafront and in town
Promote plastic free and prevent the use of single use plastics
No unnecessary plastic bags
All plastics to be recycled and made into something else
Inspire people to reuse materials creatively
Litter awareness and education