Who Needs to be Involved?
The whole community
Champions to rally everyone – from existing local groups, to disseminate info – e.g. in churches,
community organisations, theatre groups, scouts, sports clubs etc
Local shops and tradespeople
Chamber of commerce
Local charities
Health service
A nominated co-ordinator
Communication – local paper, TV, radio, social media
Creative people
Extinction Rebellion
Fridays for Future
Next Steps:
As individuals:
Tell everyone we meet about this evening
Photos from this event all over social media – spread the word!
Display info in the library
We can volunteer our time and skills
We can prioritise our actions
We can join in planning and focus groups
We can help reduce waste when we shop
As groups:
Form pressure groups to push for change
Apply for grants and fundraise to get a centrally located base for TE / artists / environmentally aware
Change the name of TrEx, eg Planet Exmouth or Extinction Exmouth
As Authorities:
Providing land, buildings and funding for community projects
Councils to engage local groups better
Where any of this falls outside the specific authority’s remit , either Support community groups or
Lobby the relevant authority / government for action