Community Networking
What positive things are happening in Exmouth now?
Everyone came here tonight
We still have the LETs scheme (launched in 2010)
Eco Church Network
Exmouth in Need and similar groups on FB
Open Door
partnering with local supermarkets re food waste
Men’s Shed – learning and sharing skills
Community Café – cheap hot food and drinks with befriending
Craft Room – in littleham, adult skill sharing
Repair Café once a month in town
Clean Street Exmouth
Clean beach Exmouth
Food Co-op
Vision for 2030
Exmouth will have made its name as an eco-resort. Eco tourism is promoted and there is a “green
badge” scheme
Nobody in Exmouth is left behind as social justice goes hand in hand with Climate Justice.
Every faith community in Exmouth has a green policy and credentials
Every business and community group has a green policy and credentials
Exmouth as an eco-community – embracing 2nd hand shops
Informed and educated residents
Foodbank won’t exist but a thriving LETs scheme will
Central arts centre with café, eco “hub” - powered by Green Energy. Supported by local initiatives
like Tidelines
A discovery and cultural centre (on Queens Drive Phase 3?)
More local jobs to be a more sustainable community. A local job centre. Credits for community
and voluntary work
Street communities working together to enhance their environment
Street play – with road closures regularly for safe play and neighbourhood participation and
Park and ride to town
More locally grown food – including community orchards and a community bakery
Opportunities to celebrate what we grow and share – more localism
Police station specifically for Exmouth
Care system upgraded
More co-ownership to encourage working with our neighbours
A Library of Things and Toy Library
Garden share and more use of public open spaces
Affordable adult education and re-skilling
Real participation of residents in shaping policy decisions
Loneliness tackled by community working more together, “chat benches” installed around the