The Neighbourhood Plan also includes six themed chapters. These are the areas that the people of Exmouth felt strongly about and wanted to have a voice on how these areas are to be developed, until 2031. Exmouth’s Natural Environment, Built Environment, its Economy and Employment, Housing, Getting About and its Community Facilities. The Exmouth Neighbourhood Plan - if successful at Referendum, will become a statutory Law document ensuring that Exmouth people will have a real impact on how the town develops, to make it an even better place for living, working and enjoying. Download Plan Document: The Final-Proof read version, as submitted to EDDC for ratification, is now available here - in Readable and Printable versions.
The Neighbourhood Plan has three sections in it.
1. A Policy section: this is all about land use within Exmouth Town. This section will be called upon when making decisions on planning applications. 2. A Strategic Infrastructure projects section: which would address the demands development may place on Exmouth and will call upon Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding 3. A Community Actions section: requiring initiatives by local people outside planning practice, to help deliver the wider aspirations of the community.
© Exmouth Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group website: Rob Masding
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The Exmouth Neighbourhood Plan is a community led document made by the community for the community. It has taken three years of consultation with community groups, stakeholders, businesses and at meetings open to the public, to get to a final document.