The Last Lap It has taken longer than expected to prepare the Neighbourhood Plan for presentation to all Exmouth voters in a referendum, but it is still firmly on track. In fact, we are now on the last lap and have every expectation that the formal processes will be complete early next year and that we will be celebrating that Exmouth has a clear and full plan for its future. The Plan The Plan has six themes: Natural Environment; Built Environment; Economy and Employment; Housing; Getting About; Community Facilities producing 24 proposed policies and 41 action points to deliver the vision- “Exmouth aims to be a friendly, welcoming, safe, clean and vibrant town, protecting its environment, building on its traditional seaside heritage and balanced with an aspiration to be forward thinking – a great place for all, young and old, to live, work and visit.” Community Engagement • The essence of the Plan is that it must be community-led and reflect the views of residents and stakeholders on how they wish Exmouth to develop. So, in devising the Plan our consultations have been very careful and meaningful with full involvement of our Steering Group. It comprises representatives from Exmouth Community Association, Exmouth Civic Society, Exmouth Churches Together, Transition Town Exmouth, Exmouth Chamber of Commerce, EDDC’s Champion for Neighbourhood Planning, Exmouth’s Town Clerk, a planning expert and one Councillor from each of the town’s wards. • The consultations started in April 2016 with an open day at the Town Hall, followed by a survey sent to all homes and businesses. This was conducted independently and reported on in ‘Shape the Future of Exmouth’ published in August 2016. Ward meetings took place and made proposals which have been included. Last September there was a public event at the Ocean attended by more than 400 people who made over 1700 written comments. • Taking into account points made in discussion and in writing that draft Plan was turned into a Pre-Submission Consultation Document. It was published in March 2018 and was open to comments from the community and from statutory bodies. 42 responses were welcomed. That was four times more than usual. The comments have all been conscientiously considered and the Plan has been amended. What is happening now? On 28th August the draft Plan was submitted to EDDC. Representations can be made to EDDC The Consultation period runs from September 4th to October 17th. It will then be scrutinised by an Examiner, who will decide whether it is good enough to be the subject of a public referendum. The referendum is expected to be in March 2019. Exmouth Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group: Exmouth Town Hall, 1 St Andrews Road, Exmouth. EX 8 1 AW 01395 276167 Web: Facebook: exmouthneighbourhoodplan
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NB: This is the text from the letter - the PDF of the original can be downloaded here
© Exmouth Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group website: Rob Masding