Latest Project Timetable

We have allowed our rather ambitious timetable to slip somewhat. This is mainly to allow for further Public Consultations and discussions with Stakeholders. In any case we feel we are making very good progress and it is more important to do the job properly than anything else.

The New Timetable (under revision - Aug ‘18)

NP Timetable for Process to Making the Neighbourhood Plan. DRAFT 4 Draft amended by DOP Group on 2 May, amended in light of comments from Tim Spurway and agreed at NPSG on 9 May. May 2017 - Basic format and design of Plan decided. Recommendation from DOP Group that issues be addressed through Land Use or Community Action. Draft the Policies and Community Actions after re-checking on conformity with Local Plan (LP). Discussion of above at NPSG on 9 May and consider date of Public Consultation with DOP recommendation that it be postponed to September/October. Submission of draft Chapters to TS by end May (or earlier). First comments from TS/CR (Claire Rodway) including advice on whether SEA or HRA required. June - Compile and proof read Draft NP. Present draft NP to NPSG (22 June). EDDC 6-week consultation with Statutory Bodies (Environment Agency; Natural England; Historic England). July - Prepare basic condition statement and consultation statement. Arrange ‘Health Check’ by experienced Inspector. Prepare for formal (Regulation 14) 6-week Pre-submission Consultation. August - Organise Ocean Public Event for late September/early October. 2018 September - Pre-submission Consultation (6 weeks) Amend draft NP in response to PSC comments and gain ETC endorsement. Complete and finalise consultation statement and basic condition statement. Conduct public consultation, including Ocean event. October - Organise PSC publicity and communications EDDC general comments considered. November - Amend draft NP in response to public consultation. Health Check conducted (2 weeks). December/March - NP formally submitted to EDDC with supporting documentation EDDC reviews NP and, if ok, publishes for consultation EDDC appoints Independent Examiner for report (2 weeks) ETC decides whether to accept modifications and publicises. February 2019 - EDDC organises referendum on NP. Date set for March 21st
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Project Timetable…

© Exmouth Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group website: Rob Masding