About Neighbourhood



What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

The Government introduced Neighbourhood Plans in 2011, to sit alongside Local Plans to further inform the Planning process - with the needs and wishes of the local community. In contrast to previous plans - of which there have been many - the Local and Neighbourhood Plans have LEGAL weight - and must be taken into account in all relevant planning decisions.

Why are we doing a

Neighbourhood Plan?

East Devon District Council has produced a LOCAL Plan for East Devon as a whole. This has now passed inspection and has been adopted as an integral part of the Planning Regulations. We can now do a Neighbourhood Plan - encompassing all five wards - for Exmouth. This cannot contradict the Local Plan, which in turn could not contradict Government Policy. The Local & Neighbourhood Plans can be more specific, defining our own local needs.

When will the Neighbourhood

Plan be ready?

The process for creating a neighbourhood plan is precisely proscribed and has to follow a defined process. the steering group hope to complete the process by Spring 2019.

The Process in brief

The process begins with a survey, circulated to every household in Exmouth. There will be various consultations at ward level and eventually a plan will be produced. The plan needs to be examined by an independent examiner for conformity to guidelines before it can go to public referendum. If the plan passes the referendum with a majority vote it will be adopted by the town and district councils and become a legally binding document. The plan will of course need to be revisited and revised from time to time.

Who is doing the

Neighbourhood Plan?

A steering group has been set up to guide and enable the creation of the Neighbourhood Plan. Towards the end of 2015 the Community Organisations Liaison Panel (COLP)* voted to mandate the town Council to apply for funding and begin the process. Membership of the steering group comprises members of the liaison panel and one town councillor from each ward. Other members of Exmouth community organisations have been approached and invited to contribute. * COLP is a panel representing many of the Community organisations in Exmouth. They meet with a Council member from each ward every four weeks or so to discuss Exmouth town issues and to hear, directly from the Town Clerk, information that may be important to them.
© Exmouth Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group website: Rob Masding