EXMOUTH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN STEERING GROUP Town Hall, 1 St. Andrews Road, Exmouth, EX8 1AW T: 01395 276167 E: npsg@exmouth.gov.uk Web: www.exmouthneighbourhoodplan.uk/ Facebook: exmouthneighbourhoodplan
NB: This is the text from the letter - the PDF of the original can be downloaded here
HURDLES ON THE LAST LAP There are three hurdles to achieving the Neighbourhood Plan. 1. to secure the approval of the Examiner, 2. to secure the approval of the District Council, 3. to get the support of Exmouth voters in a referendum. We are on track towards the referendum next March. FINAL PUBLIC CONSULTATION The draft Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to EDDC who arranged a public consultation from 4th September to 17th October 2018. Consultation Data: There were 12 responders making a total of 19 comments. 8 of the 12 responders were positive and required no action. 7 Statutory authorities responded. All the responses are available for the public to view on the EDDC web-site. http://eastdevon.gov.uk/planning/neighbourhood-and- community-plans/neighbourhood-plans/neighbourhood-plans-being-prod uced-in-east-devon/exmouth/#article-content Action will depend largely on whether the Examiner considers that the responses are substantive. In that event further consideration will be given to the details of the Plan. POSITIVE COMMENTS AT EDDC CABINET At its meeting on 3 October the EDDC Cabinet gave first consideration to the Plan for Exmouth. It was welcomed as a high-quality, professional piece of work and there was generous recognition of the massive amount of work for all involved to produce the Plan for East Devon’s largest town. The cabinet minutes and an audio recording of the meeting are on the EDDC website. http://eastdevon.gov.uk/recordings/cabinet/031018cabinetrecording.mp3 EXAMINERS REPORT AT CHRISTMAS The Examiners’ Report is due in December. This will include a final statement on the draft Plan’s conformity with regulations and strategic plans and on any modifications that need to be made. There is a possibility that the Examiner’s report will be delayed until early in January, but the Exmouth NP Steering Group has provisionally arranged to meet on 18 December. Hopefully, that will be to welcome our arrival at the point where we can prepare for the referendum and to ensure residents are well informed about the Neighbourhood Plan.
© Exmouth Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group website: Rob Masding