NB: This is the text from the letter - the PDF of the original can be downloaded here
Almost 88% voted YES and just over 12% voted NO. This is a great result for Exmouth. Thanks are due to the many people who have voted for this positive outcome and to all those worked so hard and well over the past three years to produce ideas and shape them through wide consultation. It is a good plan, but none of us think it is perfect. It will evolve in response to changing circumstances and the requirement to review it every few years. But it is a firm base and will be changed only through an open and transparent process. Exmouth has taken a big stride forward towards the agreed vision “ to be a friendly, welcoming, safe, clean and vibrant town, protecting its environment and building on its traditional seaside heritage with an aspiration to be forward thinking – a great place for all, young and old, to live, work and visit” We have voted for a vision, not just a plan, for the future of our town. It is now for the community and the Town Council to build on and develop the excellent way of working in partnership that has produced the Neighbourhood Plan. The lead authorities for Exmouth Neighbourhood Plan (made in April 2019) are East Devon District Council (as the Planning Authority) and Exmouth Town Council. To be effective, there are two elements of Exmouth Neighbourhood Plan which must be implemented and monitored.:  The implementation and monitoring of the policies in the Plan. The District Council in its capacity as Planning Authority on whether to grant planning permission will need to be made in accordance with the neighbourhood plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.  The implementation and monitoring of community actions in the Plan. These address important local issues and are important in delivering the community’s aspirations. Exmouth Town Council will play a key role in the delivery of these actions. The opportunity is there for the many people who put forward imaginative ideas and realistic proposals to become engaged in the next phase. Their continuing interest and energy will be essential. We live in a special place. Let us make it even better! EXMOUTH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN STEERING GROUP Exmouth Town Hall, Exmouth, EX8 1AW T: 01395 276167 E: For further information about the Neighbourhood Planning Process visit: Facebook: exmouthneighbourhoodplan
© Exmouth Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group website: Rob Masding